
United Methodist Church
Worship Time
Sunday 9:30 am

United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith meet the first Monday of every month for a light lunch and work together on devotions and other business.

Music is critical to the life of Otterbein. It's more than a worship complement--music is a way to praise God. Whether through song or instruments, music breathes life into our church community.

Feeding the Spirit
Feeding the Spirit's weekly meal is held every Thursday at Otterbein United Methodist Church in Greensburg. Dinner is served from 5-6 pm in a grab 'n go style. To learn more about Feeding the Spirit, click here.

Adult Bible Study
This eclectic gathering is held via zoom Wednesday night at 6:30 pm. We have folks joining us from different parts of Western PA as we study the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament

Thanksgiving Dinner
Every year, we provide free Thanksgiving meals to our community. Meals will be distributed at 1:00PM & 5:30PM on Wednesday, November 22nd.
Volunteers are needed to help with publicity, packing meals, distributing them in the kitchen, parking, and more.