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Our Outreach Ministry is devoted to continuing an ongoing mission for sharing love and heartfelt support for the needs of many in our community and nationwide. The following is just a sample of some of our commitments.


  • Carpenters Builders, Inc. (a Wrapped-in-Love Prison Ministry), which provides Christian ministry for prisoners and also their children for whom we provide Christmas gifts, fun outings, ongoing support and love.

  • Supplying Seton Hill University students with 350 “goody” bags as they prepare for their final exams.

  • At Greensburg Care Center we do fun activities.

  • Military donations and care packages.

  • Salvation Army donations.

  • Campus Crusade donations.

  • Union Mission in Latrobe donations.


We welcome all to our church with a small gift and an outreach of Christian love. The song “ No Man is and Island” which begins, “No man is an island, no man stands alone” encapsulates the message of our Outreach Ministry to share our love, support and gifts with others.  It reminds us we are all God’s children who can do everything through Him who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13).



As the Missions share of the Outreach Ministries team, we very quickly found that the church receives many requests for help, just as we do individually.  Most of these are truly worthy but we have to be selective and do the most good with what resources we have available. We believe in Jesus’ teaching to go to all the ends of the earth and spread the good news.  


We also help ministry teams who go to help disaster stricken areas and also have gone out of the country on mission trips. Red Bird Mission in South Eastern Kentucky is a very worthwhile undertaking and we have supported their efforts from time to time. These are just some of the projects we have undertaken. There are many others we would like to support and we will consider each one when it comes to our attention.


Our motto is “Be gentle and give comfort to the weak.  Serve with joy and gladness to help the poor, the hungry, and the sick.”



As a part of the Outreach committee, Hospitality involves developing new ways to greet our visitors to make them feel welcomed in our church.  We give out small visitor bags and have a “Care Note” display with visitor cards in fellowship hall.  Our friendly greeters do a great job at welcoming everyone to worship on Sunday, and as a part of Outreach, we participate in the community carnival and a booth at the Westmoreland county fair.  We strive to create a friendly and inviting manner that makes them feel at ease, know we are genuine, and want them to come back.



No Man is an Island


No man is an island, no man stands alone
Each man’s joy is joy to me
Each man’s grief is my own
We need one another, so I will defend
Each man as my brother
Each man as my friend

No man is an island far out in the blue
We all look to One above
Who our strength doth renew
When I help my brother
Then I know that I plant the seeds
Of friends that will never die

I saw the people gather
I heard the music start
The song that they were singing
Is ringing in my heart

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