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United Women in Faith


United Women in Faith meet the first Monday of every month at Eat 'n Park in Greensburg and work together on devotions and other business. 


Our activities are many and varied.


  • We support groups both globally and locally with offerings and fundraisers. In the past we’ve held an “Attic Treasures” sale, which is like a large yard sale inside the church.

  • At Christmas every year, we make up and deliver “goodie” bags to church members who are no longer physically able to attend church services.

  • We have occasional fundraising dinners at local restaurants, where we receive a percentage of the profits people who dine there on our behalf.

  • We also support other groups within the church, such as the Children’s ministry.

  • We attend “day apart” every September, which is held at either at Camp Allegheny or Jumonville.

  • We attend United Methodist district and conference meetings.


You will definitely have fun with this group!

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