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Our Organ


In 2009, Otterbein United Methodist Church made the decision to replace the aging Allen electronic organ that had played a the church for many years. Through a fund raising program, started to generate revenue for not only the organ, but for protection of our stain-glass windows, Otterbein was able to raise the money necessary to install a new Rodgers electronic organ. In November of 2009, the organ was dedicated by world-renowned organist Dan Miller. Since then, the organ has accompanied choirs, soloists, instrumentalists, congregations and everything in between.


The organ is used weekly for Sunday worship. Below are the specification of our organ:



2’                     Flûte a Bec

1 3/5’              Tierce

16’                   Basson

8’                     Trompette

8’                     Hautbois

4’                     Clairon

16’                   Bourdon Doux

8’                     Geigen Principal

8’                     Viola Céleste II

8’                     Flûte Céleste II

8’                     Bourdon

4’                     Prestant

4’                     Flauto Traverso

2 2/3’              Nazard

IV                    Plein Jeu




16’                   Violone

8’                     Principal

8'                     Diapason*

8’                     Rohrflöte

4’                     Octave

4’                     Spitzflöte

2’                     Super Octave

8’                     Tompete

IV                    Fourniture





8’                     Splitz Geigen

8’                     Holzgedackt

8’                     Erzähler Céleste II

4’                     Prinzipal

4’                     Kopperflöte

2’                     Oktav

1 1/3’              Larigot

8’                     Cromorne

IV                     Mixture





Solo (Floating)

8’                     Cello Céleste II

8’                     English Horn

8'                     French Horn*

8'                     Orchestral Oboe*

8’                     Festival Trumpet (ENCL)*

8'                     Festival Trumpet (UNENCL) (Gallery)

8'                     English Tuba*



4’                     Choral Bass

32’                   Contre Bombarde

16’                   Bombarde

8’                     Trompette

4’                     Clairon

32’                   Contre Bourdon

16’                   Principal

16’                   Subbass

16’                   Bourdon Doux (SW)

8’                     Octave

8’                     Gedackt

IV                     Mixture


The Organ also includes an electronic zimbelstern.

**The Organ Midi Sound Extender adds over 100 different organ and orchestral sounds.

*The Rodgers Voice Pallet on the organ contains more variants of stops.

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